All-Star Music

Disney World Resorts Return to Free Self-Parking

Admin || Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Disney World Resorts Return to Free Self-Parking

As of January 10, 2023, self-parking at all Disney World Resort Hotels has been returned to complimentary. This out-of-the-blue announcement came as quite a shock to Disney fans and also to those that frequent the Walt Disney World Resort Hotels. Disney had offered free parking to guests of the Resort Hotels as a perk since […]

Disney to Announce ReOpening Plans

Admin || Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Disney World officials have announced a press conference scheduled for 10am on Wednesday, May 27th to announce plans that have been submitted to Florida Government and Health officials on their plans to reopen Disney World. Follow DisneyDawgs for a recap of the press conference and what the specific plans for the parks will be.

Disney Trip Update

Admin || Monday, May 25, 2020

Universal Orlando has announced an opening date! Now the waiting game for those of us that have Disney vacations scheduled for this Summer begins.  We originally had scheduled our vacation for April, but Covid-19 took care of that.  Beginning of May it was looking as though Disney would be reopening the parks in Orlando sometime […]

Tearjerker from “At Home with Olaf”

Admin || Friday, May 15, 2020

Nope, this didn’t get me misty…  Someone must be cutting onions here. A new video released by under “At Home with Olaf” will make you want to grab some tissues. A very touching song for our times that we are going through right now.

Visitors with face masks entered Shanghai Disneyland this morning for the first time since January 25th.  Nearly five months after the Disney park closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak in China, guests were welcomed back into the park, with conditions. All guests must wear face masks and have their temperatures taken at the park’s security […]

Planning a Disney Trip… Take Two

Admin || Thursday, April 30, 2020

DisneyDawgs is in the process of re-booking our 2020 Disney World Vacation and we are crossing our fingers that this one will happen. Our first attempt to get to Orlando was thwarted by the COVID-19 virus and cancelled and we thought that our last change at a family vacation was taken from us.  But, Disney […]

When Will It Be Safe To Go To Disney World?

Admin || Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Well, it has been quite a year so far. Obviously our Disney trip that was scheduled for April 14 through April 21st was cancelled due to the worldwide pandemic that we are currently in the middle of right now. My family was quite disappointed due to the fact that this would have most-likely been our […]

April DisneyWorld Vacation —- CANCELLED!

Admin || Thursday, March 26, 2020

THIS SUCKS!!! Sorry, but there is not other way to put it. A trip that we have been planning for almost 18 months has been wiped out. I had the unadmiral task this morning of cancelling our flights and our car rental for what was supposed to be our last family Disney trip.  My oldest […]

Due to concerns of the Coronaviris, Disney Studios has announced that it is delaying the release of the live-action version of Mulan. The movie was originally slated to open nation-wide on March 26. This delayed opening is among many Hollywood releases that have been delayed do to the current world-wide situation. Although no release date […]

For the first time in the history of the parks, both Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, Disneyland in California and the Disney Cruise Line will be temporarily suspending operations this weekend. Due to the Coronavirus, both parks and the cruise line will suspend public operations on Sunday, March 15, 2020. Disney Springs and ALL […]

The following is a statement released by the Walt Disney Company reguarding the closure of both Disneyland and Walt Disney World parks, hotels and resorts. Full statement: In an abundance of caution, and in the best interest of our Guests and Cast Members, we are proceeding with the closure of our theme parks at Walt […]

113 Days

Admin || Monday, December 23, 2019

113 Days until vacation… Follow or Blog for how we plan for a vacation…