You have to admit that planning a trip to Disney can be quite overwhelming, and if you have small children, it can also be next to impossible. When I took my wife and my pups to Disney for the first time, they were 2 and 4 years old. For my wife and I to remember everything was a disaster.
Thankfully, today, families have help through internet forums and fan sites (like this one) to help with all of the stages of planning a trip.
Even with the resources available today, you are bound to forget something.
That is where we come in. With having to pack for herself, and the pups, my wife has developed a packing list that she will go through to make sure that she has not forgotten anything. She has tweaked the list throughout the year and has it almost down to science.
Below is the list that she uses and at the very bottom of the page is a link that you may download for free to help remember what is needed to be packed so that you do not have to either go to one of the gift shops at your resort and pay 3-5 times as much for a product or have to run out to Walmart and/or Target at midnight to get something you’ve forgotten.
Download DisneyDawgs Ultimate Packing List